
Hondurans Continue to Protest as President Hernandez Illegally Claims Second Term, and the Latest on Sessions Threats Against Marijuana Use

On November 26th 2016, Honduras held its first election since the 2009 coup. Since then, Honduras has seen demonstrations erupting across the country, protesting the supposed re-election of semi-dictator Juan Orlando Hernandez. Speaking with us from El Progreso in Honduras, Ryan Morgan, an advocate with the International Team with Witness for Peace, gives an update on the demonstrations against Hernandez, his Administration’s violent crackdown against the protests, and widespread human rights violations. Morgan reports Hondurans are effectively facing a dictatorship, backed by security aid and arms from the United States.

In the second part of the show, Salima Hamarani sits down with Tamar Todd, the Director of Legal Affairs with the Drug Policy Alliance. She explains the significance of Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinding the Cole Memo means for recreational marijuana, and states rights.

Photo: Honduras Resists

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