
San Francisco’s DA Chesa Boudin announces end to cash bail; Plus, immigrants’ rights lawyers respond to Trump administration moving hundreds of cases out of SF courts

0:08 – The Trump administration has moved hundreds of immigration cases out of San Francisco courts. It’s a move that alarms immigrants’ rights advocates, who say it will deny needed legal representation to Bay Area residents facing deportation. Raha Jorjani, founder and director of the Alameda County Public Defender’s Immigration Representation Unit, talks about what it means for people facing deportation.

0:18 – Investigative reporter Arun Gupta (@arunindy) has been visiting a camp of 2,500 asylum-seekers in Matamoros, Mexico across the border from Brownsville, Texas. He says the Trump administration’s immigration and border policies have created a new, subjugated class of people along the border with fewer rights than official refugees. Read his latest story: “Camps Spread Along U.S.-Mexico Border: Deportation, Drug Cartels and a New Type of Status.”

0:34 – San Francisco’s newly-inaugurated District Attorney Chesa Boudin (@chesaboudin) takes questions from callers and talks about his first actions in office, including ending cash bail. Boudin is a former public defender who won a narrow victory over the anointed successor to George Gascón, prosecutor Suzy Loftus, in November.

1:08 – Report from KPFA’s Sarah Jorgenson about the pending sale and closure of a board-and-care facility for elders in San Francisco, a move opposed by SF Supervisor Dean Preston.

1:13 – Senior reporter for the Guardian Lois Beckett (@loisbeckett)just returned from Richmond, Virginia, where she reported from a massive gun rights rally. The public’s fears that white nationalists would stoke deadly violence at the event did not materialize — but law enforcement also deescalated tensions with the almost-entirely white demonstrators, she says.

1:34 – Mitch Jeserich (@MitchJeserich), host of Letters and Politics, gives an update on impeachment. KPFA is broadcasting impeachment proceedings every day live from 10 a.m. until the evening.

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