
Black Panther Melvin Dickson, Plus: Food Swamps, and Hunters Point ‘Clean Up’

As part of UpFront’s monthlong coverage of notable black figures who have had a significant impact on black history but are less broadly known, we hear from Melvin Dickson. Melvin was a member of the Black Panther Part and has worked over the last decades to preserve the organizations legacy. Our guest is Chin Jou, lecturer in American History at the University of Sydney and author of Supersizing Urban America. She discusses the historical legacy of chain restaurants in low-income black and brown neighborhood and the role that the American government played in the creation of ‘Food Swamps.’ KPFA Reporter Marissa Dodge attends a public meeting at the Shipyard in Hunters Point to hear the reactions to the falsified clean up claims, and the subsequent pause on the construction of more much needed affordable housing. Brian Butler also joins us on the air. Butler is an organizer with the environmental justice coalition Greenaction, which has been working pollution in Hunters Point specifically. 

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