On this show:
0:08 – Vaccines: Paid for by the public, made for profit
Dean Baker is senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. His latest op-ed, with Achal Prabhala, Arjun Jayadev in the New York Times is “Want Vaccines Fast? Suspend Intellectual Property Rights.”
0:34 – California prison COVID outbreak: San Quentin stalls on reducing population, advocates urge immediate release of medically vulnerable people
Hadar Aviram (@aviramh) is Professor of Law at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law and the author of Yesterday’s Monsters: The Manson Family Cases and the Illusion of Parole. She specializes in criminal justice and civil rights, and is part of the litigation resulting in the landmark court ruling last month ordering San Quentin prison to address its COVID outbreak and reduce its population by 50 percent.
0:42 – COVID sweeps California’s county jails, and prohibits transfers to state prisons causing backlog.
Byrhonda Lyons (@ByrhondaL) is a criminal justice reporter and video journalist with Calmatters. Her latest story is “COVID-19 infections hit record high in California prisons.”
1:08 – KPFA Fund Drive Special: The Forests of California
Obi Kaufmann (@Obikaufmann) is an artist, naturalist, author of The Forests of California, recorded at KPFA’s first-ever virtual author event in September. Yours for a pledge of $275 to KPFA.