
The SF Comfort Women Memorial, How We Can Adapt to Rising Sea Levels, and the latest from our Tech and Politics Series

In a stacked, post-holiday show we feature:

Judith Mirkinson, chair of the Comfort Women Justice Coalition, explains why the new comfort woman memorial in San Francisco is so important, because it helps people understand what’s happening today and plan for the future. But that understanding is controversial, the Japanese government is petitioning SF to take it down, and even threatening to cut ties with the City and end civic partnership.

Jeff Goodell is a journalist and contributing editor to Rolling Stone magazine. His new book is “The Water Will Come: Rising Seas, Sinking Cities, and the Remaking of the Civilized World.” It’s not a popular topic for the political establishment, but Goodell lays out why we must face this phenomena and how we can adapt to rising seas throughout the world’s coastlines.

In the second half of the show, we feature two broadcasts from our Tech and Politics Series. First, a deep dive into what is happening in alt-right chat rooms in terms of messaging strategy on what is happening with the clashes between fascists and anti-fascists in places like Berkeley. Then, a look at what makes algorithms sexist, and inside the tech companies that make them.


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