
Untold History of the United States and Capitalism

Peter Kuznik and Oliver Stone team up to tell the Untold History of the United States. The documentary chronicles the imperialist activities America has engaged in since its birth as a nation and particularly during the 20th century. Covert operations, political coups and takeovers, political suppression are all detailed in the documentary

Capitalism, a 6 part documentary from Icarus films, deals in this portion with the ideas of Adam Smith. Contemporary capitalism is more complicated than Smith’s original imagining. However, Smith has been cited as the father of American capitalism, and this documentary seeks to understand and interrogate his ideas.

This episode is part of KPFA’s fund drive! KPFA is community supported public radio, which means listener support is crucial to remaining independent, critical, and honest as a station. Call in (1800) 439-5732 during our broadcast of UpFront or click here to pledge your support during Fund Drive!

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