0:08 – 2020 Census citizenship question is before the Supreme Court – it could redraw lines for Congressional representation, the electoral college, and federal funding along political lines. We’re joined by Mark Joseph Stern (@mjs_DC) covers courts and the law for Slate.
0:26 – KPFA’s Richard Wolinsky reviews Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the Musical running at Golden Gate Theater in San Francisco through Sunday May 12.
0:34 – The documentary A Dangerous Idea examines how biologically-determined politics has historically disenfranchised women and people of color. Throughout US history, it provided a rationale for state-sanctioned crimes committed against America’s most vulnerable citizens, and now gains new traction under the Trump administration. We speak with Stephanie Welch, a documentarian and executive director of Paragon Media, a nonprofit media organization that is the co-producer of A Dangerous Idea; and Ignacio Chapela, associate professor of Microbial Ecology at UC Berkeley, and a senior researcher at GenØk, the National Center for Biosafety, Norway.
1:08 – KPFA News: In its pursuit to deport the nation’s residents, the Trump Administration has weaponized the social security administration. In recent weeks, that agency has sent letters to a wide range of businesses, especially in the Central Valley, notifying that information submitted in wage and tax statements does not match the SSA’s records. Employers who received the letter have 60 days to submit corrected information to the government. The move is sending shock waves throughout the valley and the state. KPFA’s Vic Bedoian (@VicBedoian) reports.
1:15 – Critics are blasting the San Francisco Police Department for leaking records and photos after the unexpected death of San Francisco Public Defender, Jeff Adachi – who is responsible?
Joe Eskenazi (@EskSF) is managing editor and columnist at Mission Local, based in San Francisco.
1:34 – The history of gynecology: How pioneering gynecologists promoted and exploited scientific myths about inferior races and nationalities.
Deirdre Cooper Owens (@dbcthesis2002) is a professor of History at Queens College at the City University of New York. She’s the author of Medical Bondage: Race, Gender, and the Origins of American Gynecology