The Week Starts Here

Preston Dennett — UFO update

Tonight, back by popular demand, via telephone from Southern California, my guest is UFO/Paranormal researcher and investigator, Preston Dennett.

Preston has written and published, 20 books, numerous articles, and he is a frequent guest on Coast-To-Coast AM radio.

In conversation with host, Veronica Faisant, Preston shares his insight regarding a recent increase in UFO sightings and his latest book, Inside UFOs.

Preston has tirelessly investigated leads, analyzed and created data, and followed up on hunches in pursuit of answers to life’s persistent question: Is this all there is and, is what you see, what you get?

Call in with your own questions regarding UFO experiences and the unexplained. This is a rare opportunity to reap the benefits of more than 2 decades of focused inquiry into the unknown.
(800) 958-9008 (510) 848-4425

Preston’s contact info:
skype: preston.dennett

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