The Week Starts Here

Magnificent Manifestation — This is How We Did it!




Tonight, in celebration of the Supreme Court’s ruling making Same Sex Marriage the law of the land, we’ll discuss what many hardworking, committed LGBTQ activists are calling a miracle!

Members of the gay and lesbian community who created committed long term, loving family relationships despite an environment of social hostility, have finally been given the validation they have spent decades fighting to attain.  In the U.S. people, are free to marry whomever they choose regardless of race or gender.

Tonight’s guest, Artist, Teacher, Social Activist and Entrepreneur, Karen Stern and Producer/Host Veronica Faisant will unpack this “Magnificent Manifestation” via a historical context of activism in the past 46 years.  And we’ll also get feedback from people born between the early 1980s to early 2000s.   Known as “Millenials”, they are direct beneficiaries of social movements which began and peaked in the 1960s.

It is important to celebrate and to understand how we did it–there’s much more work to be done!

Call in to participate:  (800) 958-9008   (510) 848-4425


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