The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Animism as Manners

Animism is not a belief – but manners. Caroline hosts Carl Safina through whom our animal kin convey their beautiful community complexity; from knowledge comes respect – on to reverent collaborative intimacy….

Carl Safina’s lyrical non-fiction writing explores how humans are changing the living world, and what the changes mean for non-human beings and for us all. His work fuses scientific understanding, emotional connection, and a moral call to action. His writing has won a MacArthur “genius” prize; Pew, Guggenheim, and National Science Foundation Fellowships; book awards from Lannan, Orion, and the National Academies; and the John Burroughs, James Beard, and George Rabb medals. He grew up raising pigeons, training hawks and owls, and spending as many days and nights in the woods and on the water as he could. Safina is now the first Endowed Professor for Nature and Humanity at Stony Brook University and is founding president of the not-for-profit Safina Center. He hosted the PBS series Saving the Ocean, which can be viewed free at


KPFA Fund Drive

We are offering “Animal Allies” Visionary Activist Radio audio collection for donors at the $75+ level


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