The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Re-Dreaming Humans Cooperating with Nature


Dark o Moon, opportunity to influence culture…

Flora Fauna Fungi gives us the task of re-designing the human cultural interface with Nature.

So, Caroline plays Kim Stanley Robinson’s Bioneers 2023 talk – as we are in KPFA Fund Drive, pitching his book  “The High Sierra: A Love Story,” as a magnetizing pledge incentive. Also animating his astrological chart, without the inconvenience of him being present.

Kim Stanley Robinson is a hugely influential American writer of science fiction. He has published 22 novels. Most note-worthy, ”Ministry for the Future,” which many took as a sobering bible of ecological and social catastrophe, (and from whose gloom, he proclaims himself recovered).


KPFA Fund Drive:



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