Electing an irresistible guiding story! On Valentine’s Eve, Caroline welcomes to the Visionary Activist Show, the Joyful Activist, Francis DellaVecchia, that we may honor his splendid article:
“Tired of old white men running things?” – wait for it – tis an unexpected encouraging, liberating narrative that ensues.
Francis has been energetically cahooting with Bernie Sanders since 2015, and has noted Bernie’s demographics dramatically expanding and blooming into “mostly young, more female than male, and a majority people of color. Not surprisingly perhaps, this demographic mix mirrors what the future of this country, and particularly its power structure, is destined to look like.”
Coyote has the keys to unlock the Story Prisons (aka msn, etc)… Support KPFA & the Visionary Activist Show/Coyote Network News, all ur trustworthy narrative voices… (Fund Drive today!)
Article on Medium: Tired of Old White Men Running Things?
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