The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Earth Day * Democratic Animism Now!

Chauvinism is found guilty ~ Earth Day ~ Waxing Buddha’s Full Moon astro*mytho guiding narrative, Democratic Animism now!

Caroline welcomes the return of most skookum Star Hawk! That Responsive Reverent ingenuity assume cultural narrative lead…


Star Hawk proffers (tonight!) Ritual of Renewal for Earth Day: Live Webinar with Starhawk & Friends ~




The George Floyd trial of Chauvinism has been a gestational (Moon in Cancer) Br’er Rabbit kinship time,
out of which emerged public ritual of Maat, goddess of Truth, Justice, Balance, ordered Beauty out of Chaos

Moon in Leo, in the verdict chart , now in Virgo,
that we engage in the deep delving diagnosis, healing,
integrating the profundity, in order to create beautiful social structures of respectful supportive kind reciprocal blessing, Moon in Libra, on to the Buddha’s Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th at 11:32 pm edt at 7+ Scorpio Taurus…
Moon: “A lake bathed in moonlight, a powerful dragon slowly emerges.”
Sun: “a sleigh without snow.”

With Saturn square Uranus, that every out-sourced Saturn boundary violating minor or grievous ack – be an incentive to cultivating greater Beauty…

“To love disharmony back into harmony creates a greater harmony than existed before!”

(Astro*Mytho Themes continued on Patreon) 


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Artist Song Album Label
Wildcookie,Freddie Cruger,Red AstaireSerious DrugThe Wildcookie Cookie Dough InstrumentalsMERLIN - Tru Thoughts
Armand Amar,Salar AguiliPoêm of the ButterfliesBab' Azîz (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)MERLIN - Long Distance