The Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Saving Lives On The Road / Ralph Answers Your Questions

Ralph Nader welcomes fellow auto safety advocate, Jackie Gillan, past President of Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, a coalition working together to reduce motor vehicle crashes, save lives, and prevent injuries. Then, Ralph outlines the latest issue of the Capitol Hill Citizen and responds to your feedback from recent programs.



Artist Song Album Label
Sound ProvidersIt's Gonna BeeAn Evening With The Sound Providers
Kemp HarrisStand Up, Rise Up (feat. Mable E. Marshall & Eleanor Mapp) feat. Mable E. Marshall,Eleanor MappStand Up, Rise Up (feat. Mable E. Marshall & Eleanor Mapp) feat. Mable E. Marshall,Eleanor MappKemp Harris
KidmarzPicture Me SmokingPlay HitterKidmarz
Daniel DonatoLose Your MindLose Your MindRetrace Music