The Final Straw Radio

Hunger Strike at Red Onion + Military Refuser in Israel

Hunger Strike at Red Onion + Military Refuser in Israel

Image of Yuval Dag holding a poster, prisoner holding a license plate reading "Red Onion Prison Hunger Strike" with the text "TFSR 1-21-24 | Hunger Strike at Red Onion Prison + Yuval Dag, Israeli Military Refuster"This week on the show, we’re featuring two segments.To hear the full versions of these interviews plus Sean Swain’s reading of the names of those killed by US police in February 2023, you can find the full show at our website.

First up, you’ll hear part of an interview with Shupavu wa Kirima, General Secretary of the Revolutionary Intercommunal Black Panther Party, comes on to talk to us about the ongoing hunger strike among prisoners at Red Onion State Prison in Virginia protesting the abuse of solitary confinement and the medical status of hunger striker Kevin “Rashid” Johnson. More at https://RashidMod.Com

Then, Yuval Dag, an Israeli anarchist member of Mesarvot recently imprisoned for publicly refusing conscription, talks about draft refusal, opposing the war on Palestinians and the occupation and undoing zionist ideology. More at

Call-in / Emails For Red Onion Hunger Strikers

Who To Contact:

VADOC~ Central Administration; USPS—
P.O. Box 26963
Richmond, VA 23261

Virginia DOC ~ Director, Chadwick S Dotson,

VADOC ~Central Administration

Rose L. Durbin, Phone~804-887-7921
Email: [email protected]

Beth Cabell, Division of Institutions

Gov. Glenn Youngkin
[email protected]

Red Onion Hunger Strike Participants last we heard:

  • Kevin “Rashid” Johnson – #1007485
  • Jason Barrett – #1092874
  • Rodney Lester – #1429887
  • Charles Cousino – #2213403
  • Eric Thompson – #1208012
  • Joe Thomas – 1193196
  • Nguyen Tuan – #1098070
  • Demetrius Walllace – #1705834
  • Gregory Binns – #1157265
  • P. Williams – #2103207
  • DeQuan Saunders – #1458253
  • J. Hilliard – #1988319
  • Ray Galloway – #1407902
  • Gregory Azeez – #1421616

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Featured Track:

  • One Man Army (instrumental)  by Rage Against The Machine


Artist Song Album Label
Tom Morello & Prodigy One Man Army (Instrumental) Spawn (OST) Sony Music Soundtrax