Talk-It-Out Radio

Nonviolence with the Body: Health, Healing, Wellness and Self Care

Nonviolence with the Body: Health, Healing, Wellness and Self Care

Host Nancy Kahn interviews Denisha Lockett, a local BIPOC healer and Self-Care Wellness Coach, to discuss ways to embody a needs-based transformative healing mindset along and how to establish daily practices that support movement. Denisha is a single mother deeply committed to whole self transformative healing. She openly shares her personal journey to heal and connect to her body, and address trauma through a liberatory and empowering mindset. With the current world pandemic, climate change concerns, upcoming US election and the national reckoning on race in this country, transformative healing is more critical than ever for every human being.

Listeners are invited to call in to the show after 7:20 pm (dial 1-800-958-9008 or 1-510-848-4425 ) to participate in the conversation and share about the health and wellness issues they experience in the community and within their own lives given the present societal issues.


Tonight’s Guest

Denisha Lockett, with L.E.T Movement ( Life Evolving Techniques) is a healer, self care and wellness coach. She is a trained coach, reiki master, massage therapist, and BARS practitioner and provides chakra education, motivational workshops and a range of services for transformative health and wellness. She is especially passionate about working with communities of color. She identifies as an “entrepre-healer” as she manages multiple small businesses (