Talk-It-Out Radio

How We Can Free US from the Drama Triangle

Have you ever heard of the Drama Triangle?

Victim – Perpetrator – Rescuer  …  3 roles that people play when pain and fear are activated, that can lead to so much suffering and tragic outcomes.

Where do you play one of these roles in your life? And would you like more freedom and relief from the tension that thrives in these roles?

There is another relational triangle that creates more freedom and creativity…

Host Timothy Regan welcomes two eloquent and wise guests to help you help yourself and others out of this challenging relational dynamic:  Kara Stella, Personal Internal Family Systems and Nonviolent Communciation Coach, and Kristin Masters, Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer, and leader of the Work That Reconnects.

We apply the powerful principles of mindfulness, self-empathy, and Nonviolent Communication to begin to recognize and then step into a more life-serving relationship dance.

You can find Kara in the IFS Institute Practitioner Directory.

You can find Kristin Masters at NVC Santa Cruz.