The Art of Mindful Communication: Living Your Values
In these extraordinarily polarized times, what would it be like if people could truly hear others
and speak their minds in a clear, kind way, without becoming defensive or going on the attack?
Join Talk It Out Radio’s host and Oren Jay Sofer, meditation teacher and communication trainer, the author of a new book, “Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication.” for an engaging conversation about Oren’s work and new book.
Oren’s book is the first to synthesize mindfulness, somatic practices and Nonviolent Communication into simple, yet powerful exercises for healthier, more effective, and satisfying conversation. Whether it’s navigating a
political divide with a friend or relative, managing conflicts at work, or strengthening bonds at
home—communicating effectively is what makes or breaks our relationships. Say What You
Mean offers a clear method, concrete practices, and the vocabulary needed to have meaningful
conversations that bring people together.
Listeners are invited to call in after 7:30 pm at 1-800-958-9008 to ask Oren questions about his integrative approach and new book.
Listen live on Sunday, 12/9 at 7:00 pm on KPFA Radio (94.1 FM Berkeley and beyond) or visit the archives at radio or iTunes.
To listen to the show after it airs:
Talk It Out Radio, KPFA Radio, 94.1 FM, Sunday Nights at 7:00 PM
A how-to and what-to-do program where skilled hosts welcome guests and callers to practice empathy, mindfulness, and effective communication. Do you want tools for connection, conflict resolution, and compassion for self and others? Skilled practitioners and facilitators in Nonviolent Communication, Mindfulness and Social Justice Leadership explore skills, knowledge and resources to empower you to connect across differences.