Without doubt, this is THE strangest election in recent history…perhaps in all of this country’s history. In addition to the usual bonds, props, “Yes” means “No”, “No” means “Yes”, bickering candidates and plethora of conflicting messaging that are the features of a normal election, ALONG COMES COVID-19, and EVERYTHING changes.
So how does one vote in the most critical election EVER while not breathing ANYONE else’s air? What if vote-by-mail is not an option for me? What if the Remote Accessible Vote by Mail…isn’t…really…accessible?
FEAR NOT! The good crew of the Pushing Limits Collective has GOT this!
On this program, we will discuss:
* frequently asked questions about accessible voting,
* voting early at accessible polling centers,
* how to track ballots from start to finish,
* give snapshots of the 12 propositions on the state ballot, and
* give LOTS of resources for floundering voters in the rapids of this tumultuous election, many of them on our web site.
DON’T be overwhelmed. Come, learn, prepare–and VOTE!…If you haven’t already. 🙂
Sheela Gunn-Cushman and Mark Romoser co-host.
If you are looking for an answer for your individual access, try these links.
- Call your county registrar of voters to find out what is possible for you. Here’s where to find a contact for each county.
- Voting Information Page. Disability Rights California
- Disability Voter Hotline: 1-888-569-7955 (7 am – 8 pm Election Day) They will also answer calls prior to and following elections.
- Official California Voter Guide in Accessible Formats
- Voting in Care Facilities
- Additional resources on voting in care facilities
- Track your ballot at Ballottrax
- Essential Election List from Hand-to-Hand
Want to encourage others to vote but don’t know where to start? Try this:
–Conversation Guide to encourage voting
The Center for Medicaid Services (CMS) has given the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) further guidance on how the strictures of Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) should be carried out.
1. (Good news:) Live-in care givers will be EXEMPT from EVV requirements.
2. (BAD NEWS!:) Location of care givers who do not live with their clients must be captured electronically at beginning and end of each shift.
Stakeholder meetings will be held to discuss each of these things separately, but the meetings HAVE NOT YET been scheduled.
Please check here for information as it becomes available. You may also submit comments or ask to be added to the list for updates by writing:
[email protected].
PG&E and the CPUC aren’t tracking who’s being affected by their shutoffs- why not?
Eerie orange skies. The largest wildfire season in history. And just this week, over 50,000 Californians may have their life-giving power shut off by corporate employees at PG&E. Again.
As the Reclaim Our Power Campaign fights for the transition to a safe, renewable, community and worker controlled energy system, we continue to uncover the failures of our Wall St.-owned corporate utility. We’re joining with our allies at the Initiative for Energy Justice to look at who the 2019 shutoffs impacted, and whether PG&E or the CPUC even cared to keep track.
*We hope you’ll join us and register for this webinar on Tuesday, October 27th at 11 am PT. Let’s take action to demand that California regulators and utilities center the needs of people with disabilities, low income people, and everyone who needs power to live!

Protect The Results
A very large coalition ready to mobilize if Trump refuses to accept the results of the presidential election. Over 100 orgs. Rally at Oscar Grant, Oakland, Nov 4 @ noon
People’s Strike: https://peoplesstrike.org/2020/09/24/pledge-of-resistance-stop-trump-stop-austerity/ Addressing the crisis of presidential transition, this is a pledge to Non Violent Direct Action With black leadership of Cooperation Jackson; endorsed by Moms for Housing, Red Nation and more than a dozen BIPOC organizations.
Choose Democracy
Pledge to vote and participate in Nonviolent Direct action if election results are announced before counting every vote. Supported by Quaker groups, George Lakey, and others from Nonviolent Direct Action traditions.
The Frontline
Organized by Movement for Black Lives and Working Families Party. Coordinating election protection, and post-election response
Other organizing groups
SeeSay2020.com, a project of TheDemLabs.org.
Ohlone Land: Sunrise Movement (youth led org) is also organizing along with many others to mobilize us if we need to be out protesting post election.
Support Florida Former-Convicts Movement
Photo above from: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tinfoilraccoon/3005537118