Pushing Limits

Sacramento Politics and Disability with Marty Omoto

Marty Omoto

Marty Omoto watches the inner workings of the Sacramento governmental structure as an advocate/reporter, particularly as it affects people with disabilities. He advises and reports on this through his California Disability-Senior Community Action Network (CDCAN), an e-mail list that now serves 65,000 subscribers.

Eddie Ytuarte, host of this Friday’s Pushing Limits radio program sometimes sees things from the “outside.”

The two discuss the results of the recent elections and Marty reports on the Sacramento machinery stuff most relevant to the disability community.

In the next year, the disability community can look forward to consistent alerts about important upcoming legislative meetings, the results of relevant action and the status of bills from Marty Omoto and CDCAN.

To add your name to the CDCAN email list, email Marty Omoto: [email protected]

CDCAN also represents the “California Person-Centered Advocacy Partnership.”

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