The rise of right-wing power in the U.S. is the culmination of a 50 year plan to seize the reins of government power in the U.S. It has succeeded in the Supreme Court and, who knows, could take the Presidency and both House and Senate at Tuesday’s election. As the plan becomes actualized, the Heritage Foundation has gifted us with the next step – a plan for a radical restructuring of our legal and regulatory bodies written in a document called Project 2025.
Unless you are inclined to policy wonky-ness, it’s hard to tell how the Project 2025 changes could affect people with disabilities. Fortunately for us, our guest for this program has the knowledge and experience to translate these bureaucratic maneuvers into the devilish details that are set to make our lives much more difficult.
Claudia Center is the Legal Director of Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF). She litigates cases that increase civil rights and civil liberties for persons with disabilities, and represents the disability community in legislative, policy, amicus, and appellate work.

Project 2025 lays out drastic cuts to Medi-Caid (MediCal), the end of equity in K-12 schooling for disabled kids, less eligible injuries for Veteran services, and so much more.
Halloween will be over by the time this program airs but it’s not too late to be very scared.
Want to know more? Our community members are working to make it easy for you:
1. Claudia Center’s analysis with page numbers in the Project 2025 you can read what it says yourself.
2. Instragram post by DREDF.
3. Lainey Feingold’s great hub with all the Project 2025 content from a disability perspective.
Produced and hosted by Adrienne Lauby. Audio Editing by Adrienne Lauby and Denny Daughters. Production assistance by Tina Pinedo.