Pushing Limits

California Budget – Pushing Limits – May 31, 2024

It is the height of California’s annual budget wrangle, and Governor Newsom is planning severe cuts to programs we depend on. These programs include In Home Supportive Services, CalFresh, nutrition support, housing & homeless assistance, and others. It’s pretty dire.

We have until June 15, just two more weeks, to let our Sacramento representatives know how we want tax payer money spent. Scroll down for something you can do TODAY.

We bring a panel of experts from San Francisco’s HomeBridge: Erin Saberi, public policy and communications consultant, Amber Harris, senior director of talent and people, and Meaghan Shanahan, senior director of programs.  Home Bridge trains and provides care givers and attendants for elderly and disabled people throughout the bay area.

Erin Saberi

There is a crisis in attendant care in California. These folks know just how bad it is and how these budget discussions will either help  – or make it worse.

Some context: California has had a fat purse for several years but, this year, the purse is skinny with a $27.6 billion dollar shortfall.

As usual, one thing that isn’t being cut is California’s prison system. It’s being tinkered with but it’s actually getting an overall increase!

Our community is not taking these cuts lying down. Since the draft budget came out in January, lobbyists, non-profits and many disabled people have been in Sacramento to testify at hearings and hold rallies.  There’s just enough time, just enough momentum to turn the tide and save ourselves from some of the worst consequences.

One more thing:  There’s an inevitable level of competition in the budget fight. It’s tricky to lobby for any particu

Amber Harris

lar program.  For instance, if you argue for expanding IHSS caregivers you might find yourself arguing against houses for homeless people. You argue for Developmental Disability increases and find yourself arguing against help for abused elders.

We salute two organizations who’ve made long term coalitions to take some sting out of the competition.  The California Collaborative for Long Term Services and Supports has over 60

organizational members and CURB, Californians United for a Responsible Budget, brings more than 80 organizations together. They help make the best of a tough situation.

📢 Emergency Budget Rally 📢

Governor Newson is trying to cut critical services for undocumented people, people with disabilities, and older adults. Join us to fight back!

Governor Newsom: Hands Off Our Home Care!
Thursday, June 6, 11:00 am
455 Golden Gate, San Francisco
Masks required & provided


Take Action Today!  Make some calls, write some emails.


My name is ___________ and I am a (senior, immigrant, person with a disability).  I am very concerned about the incredibly harsh cuts proposed in the Governor’s proposed May Revised Budget.  The elimination of the IHSS benefit for undocumented Californians on Medi-Cal is extremely harmful, and sends a message that California is turning its back on immigrant, older adult and disabled communities – and will surely end up with more expensive institutional care.

Meaghan Shanahan

The other cuts to food security, developmental disability, housing and homeless programs, APS, and other Older Adult Act programs will take us backwards. California enacted a Master Plan on Aging that looks to expand programs and services to address our state’s aging population.  Let’s look to the rainy day fund and other sources to move us forward, and protect our most vulnerable populations.  Thank you.

WHO TO CONTACT: Please call and/or email these members:

Assembly Budget Chair – Assm. Jesse Gabriel: 916-319-2046/ [email protected]

Assembly Speaker – Assm. Robert Rivas: 916-319-2029/ https://speaker.asmdc.org

Senate Budget Chair – Senator Scott Wiener: 916-651-4011/[email protected]

(Leg. Director) Senate Pro Tem – Senator Mike McGuire: 916-651-4002/ https://sd02.senate.ca.gove/contact

(Thanks to our friends at CARA for this information.)


This program produced by Adrienne Lauby and Jacob Lesner-Buxton.  Hosted by Adrienne Lauby.


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