Pushing Limits

Neil Marcus Memorial – Pushing Limits – June 3, 2022

Neil Marcus leaning against a dark reflective background, on which we see his reflection. Courtesy of Neil Marcus and Gary Ivanek.

Today we celebrate the life of actor and playwright, Neil Marcus who died last November.  Born with dystonia, a neurological disorder that causes involuntary muscle contractions and affects speech.  Marcus thought of his disability as an art.

Neil Marcus is best known for his play “Storm Reading”, a piece that deals with his day-to-day experiences as a person with a disability. Originally booked as a weekend engagement in Santa Barbara, the play toured the U.S, Canada, and England for eight years and was profiled by major media outlets. The play also was the catalyst for new accessible venues given that each venue of the tour had to accommodate Neil and his wheelchair.









We talk to Rob Lathim, the director of the play, “Storm Reading” and another performer in the show, Katie Voice.

Rob Lathim


We will also talk to those Neil collaborated with on pieces after “Storm Reading”:  Eric Kupers who founded the integrated dance program at Cal State East Bay and Neil’s former partner, professor of disability culture, Petra Kuppers.

Katie Voice





New York Times Obituary

Report on a Marcus Presentation

“Disabled Country,” piece for the Natural Museum of American History




Jacob Lesner-Buxton was the lead producer and interviewer for this program.  Mark Romoser, Sheela Gunn-Cushman, Denny Daughters and Adrienne Lauby provided audio editing and narration support.

Petra Kuppers in movement with Cara Hagan