Pushing Limits

“Audio Description with Ray Samuelson” Pushing Limits – July 31, 2020

Roy Samuelson

“Blind people watch TV. Blind people watch movies.” But, how DO they DO that?!! How does one make “A picture worth a thousand words” show up for people watching with their ears?

Welcome to the “Blind Alley” version of “Pushing Limits”.

What turns a movie into a radio drama?

Roy Samuelson, for one. Roy is an audio description narrator and, in this program, he shares behind-the-scenes knowledge. He’ll explain what makes narration effective, non-intrusive and exciting. Then, he explains how we can help make it better with something he is calling Kevin’s Process.

In this program, you’ll also learn how you can keep Pushing Limits on the air.

Yep, it’s that time again. And, we’re having fun with this fund drive. For the first time ever, a
basic membership of $25 will get you the big fund drive thank you gift: a link to listen and
download the “Abolish Racism Audio Collection.” You know how critical this wisdom is! Help us get it to you.

The San Francisco Orpheum Theater provides audio description to some of their presentations.  When they begin live shows again, check it out here.

We’ve excerpted from Roy Samuelson’s speech at the American Council for the Blind (ACB) annual convention.  ACB has provided audio files of the convention workshops, including several more covering audio description.  ACB also has an audio description project which includes a list of all audio described DVDs, broadcast television, movies, performing arts, museums, and national parks.

Sheela Gunn-Cushman and Mark Romoser produced and hosted this program.

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