Pushing Limits

Disability & Palestine Teach In, Longmore Institue – Pushing Limits – January 26, 2024

Disability and Palestine Teach-In:

A Conversation with Sawsan Zakaria, Marina Salman and Allie Cannington.
Monday, February 5, 3-4 pm  On-line zoom event.  ASL/CART provided.

How does the ongoing attack on Palestine relate to disability communities and disability justice?

For other access needs please contact us at [email protected]

Register here.
(See below for biographies of the presenters)

Events Coordinator Shaina Ghuraya talks about the upcoming online Palestine Teach-in on Feburary 5. and other ongoing work at the Paul Longmore Institute at S.F. State.


Cafe Crip: Neurodiverse and Neurotypical Cross-Cultural Communication

Friday, Feb. 2, 2024 12:00, noon PST by zoom

Go here for accessibility information and to register.
Cafe Crip returns regularly.  See the Longmore Institute’s twitter page for more events.
Shaina Ghuraya

Our guest, Shaina Ghuraya jokes that she’s a triple threat – she’s female, South Asian, and a wheelchair-user. She’s written on two Netflix animated series and is a 2021 fellow of the Sundance Institute’s Accessible Futures Initiative. She loves creating bold stories about scheming women disrupting the status quo (like herself), and is an activist who supports the teachings of Disability Justice. Her films surrounding topics of disability have screened at Slamdance, Superfest, and Hollyshorts. Originally from Elk Grove in Northern California, Shaina attended USC and majored in Film and TV Production where, after graduating, she was featured in Forbes. Learn more here: www.shainaghuraya.com

Eddie Ytuarte produced and hosts.

Sawsan Zakaria (she/her) is an actress/advocate who also works at the Autism Society as the Operations Lead. She assists with all operational and admin tasks to efficiently teach people with and without disabilities within the community to navigate state services to receive proper care to live independently. Sawsan has also made a name for herself in the commercial space, representing people with disabilities being featured in Disney, Sephora, and GoRV commercials. Sawsan is Palestinian and grew up in a Muslim household in Chicago, however currently lives in Los Angeles advocating for people with disabilities in the media.

Marina Salman (she/her) is the SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery) Case Manager in the Community Reintegration Department at Access Living. In 2018, Marina completed a master’s degree in counseling psychology. Her current research and advocacy work includes addressing disability and ableism in the healthcare and justice system, as well as incorporating Independent Living philosophy in all aspects of life. Marina is of Middle Eastern descent, enjoys working out at the gym, and is an advent Chicago Bears fan.

Allie Cannington (they/she) Allie Cannington (they/she) is a white, jewish, queer, disabled activist and organizer. For over 15 years, they have organized people with disabilities on local, state, and national levels for over ten years – centering on people with disabilities who live at the margins, including LGBTQIA, Black, Indigenous, people of color, low/no income, and youth with disabilities. Currently, Allie lives in Denver, Colorado and is an active member of Jewish Voice for Peace Denver/Boulder chapter.