Pushing Limits

Long Covid in a Small Town – Pushing Limits – January 24, 2025

January is a month often filled with new gym membership, NFL playoffs, and even snow. Before COVID, we didn’t associate it with debilitating and devastating illnesses, but COVID-19 changed that. In January of 2020, “Joyful” Joni Gold was the fourth person in her small community to get covid and, for her, this month will never be the same.

Living in Los Osos, California with a population of 14,485, Joni faced life-threatening challenges. In a community with few medical providers, she needed quality care. As someone in a nation with little understanding of the disease, she needed advice and support. Now, living with long covid, Joni talks about her experience and how her spirituality helps her live with her disability.

On top of hearing from jovial Joni, we have a commentary from Pushing Limits collective member Adrienne Lauby on COVID, unity, and Mr. Trump. Stay tuned!

This episode of Pushing Limits is written and produced by Jacob Lesner-Buxton. It is hosted and edited by Denny Daughters.

Joni Gold