Pushing Limits

Philosophy, Politics & Disability – Pushing Limits – February 2, 2024

Adam Cureton

Philosophy is about knowledge, truth, right and wrong, religion, the meaning of life and disability.   Yep, when Adam Cureton speaks, disability fits right into that list of basics.

In this program Cureton brings an overview of the field of Disability Philosophy to Pushing Limits listeners.  He’ll talk about “coming out” as a person with a disability and his work prompting the social model of disability in society.

Adam Cureton is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Tennessee and has written & edited four books, including The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Disability.

Take a look at Adam Cureton’s webpage, his Ted Talk and his article about the difference between social and medical model of disability.


We return for more conversation with Denver City Councilman Chris Hinds about the unique challenges of being Colorado’s first elected official with a physical disability.


We began this program with audio from a great presentation about the social model of disability which you can find (and watch) here.  It’s from a course at the Disability Advocacy Resource Unit in Melbourne, Australia.   We appreciate their solidarity.

This program was produced and interviews were done by Jacob Lesner-Buxton. Editing and voicing by Denny Daughters.

Chris Hinds