Project Censored

Who Profits from U.S. Wars? / The Cost of American Delusions

In the first half of the show, researcher and U.S. military veteran Christian Sorensen joins Eleanor Goldfield to discuss the business of war, the mapping of it, the remarkable spread of it, and the very real ability and need to shift this trillion dollar industry to something more sustainable and peaceful. Sorensen explains how the military industrial complex in this country is the classic definition of fascism, and why confronting this uncomfortable fact is quite simply necessary for a livable future.

Then, we welcome Professor Richard Wolff back on the show, this time to articulate the dangerous delusions of American Exceptionalism that are hurting not only us but our allies in Europe as well. Professor Wolff outlines extreme miscalculations vis-à-vis Russia, China, and Israel; how right-wing fear mongering is failing; and the hope that’s building on the horizon, thanks to leftist organizing and campaigning.



Artist Song Album Label
Sound ProvidersIt's Gonna BeeAn Evening With The Sound Providers
Green Day21 Guns21st Century BreakdownReprise
Junkyard EmpireWe WantWe Want (Single)MediaRoots Music