We bring you to Alaska’s Tongass Forest, where the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act turned tribes into corporations and sparked a lengthy logging frenzy. In this radio adaptation of the documentary film, Walking in Two Worlds, we meet a Tlingit brother and sister, who are trying to heal both the forest and their native community. Special thanks to Specialty Studios.
Wanda Culp & Bob Loescher, Tlinget brother & Sister; Peter Coyote, narrator; Mike Jackson, Tlingit tribal historian;Ernestine Hanlon-Abel, Weaver & Activist; Byron Mallott, Former Seaalaska CEO; Israel Shotridge, Tlingit carver; Tom Thorton, anthropologist; Lydia George, Tlingit Clan Mother; Joe Sebastian, Alaska Fisherman & guide; Deny Bschor, former US Forest Service Regional Forester; John Rowan, Tlingit carver, Richard Nixon, President of the United States;Rick Harris, Former Seaalaska Executive VP; Rosita Worl, Seaalaska Board member.
More information:
Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska