Letters and Politics

The FCC Repeals Its Net Neutrality Rules & Paul Robeson’s Legacy

The Federal Communications Commission voted today to allow Internet providers – such as AT&T and Verizon – to speed up service for some apps and websites and block or slow down others. We comment this decision with Craig Aaron, President of Free Press / Free Press Action Fund.

Then, we broadcast selected excerpts from a documentary about the life of Paul Robeson, Paul Robeson: Portraits of the Artist. Paul Robeson was an American singer, actor, and Civil Rights activist. He became politically involved in response to the Spanish Civil War, fascism, and social injustices. His advocacy of anti-imperialism, affiliation with communism, and criticism of the United States government caused him to be blacklisted during the McCarthy era.


Letters & Politics and KPFA are offering the following items as thank-yous for donations:

  • DVDs: Paul Robeson: Portraits of The Artist Box Set (8 films, 4 DVDs) for a donation of $250
  • USB PRA: Voices That Change The World for a donation of $200
  • Combo: DVDs + USB for a donation of $400

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