Letters and Politics

The Historical Forces Driving the Republican Party Apart

With Rich Rubino of the Huffington Post. Rubino is a political reporter, pundit and author.  His latest  book is The Political Bible of Humorous Quotation from American Politics: Politicians Unplugged: What they Said — When they said it — And Why.



GOP activist and Trump supporter Janet  Beihoffer. She is the national committeewoman of the Republican Party of Minnesota.  She served as RNC delegate to the  2016 Republican National Convention from Minnesota.

One response to “The Historical Forces Driving the Republican Party Apart

  1. Brian, great show tonight. Featuring Rich Rubino and Howard Zinn, and I’m glad you featured the Trump delegate and gave her an open field to express her concerns in the way that you did. Although I didn’t agree with her main premise, I still saw her as a citizen with concerns, not a yahoo, which I think KPFA listeners (myself often included) consider anyone who would support Trump. Sometimes it’s good to check in with the other side.

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