Law & Disorder

Jewish Biden Appointee Lily Greenberg Call Resigns in Protest; Plus Abolitionist Demands of the Student Intifada – Spring Fund Drive Special

Today is the 230th day of Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza. 

Here on KPFA, we’ve been covering that violence itself as well as the US’s apparent unending blank check for Israel’s war machine that comes across in weapons transfers, cash, and political support. But even within the Biden Administration, distress in our country’s support for the genocide is growing. For the first time, last week, a Jewish person appointed by US President Joe Biden resigned from the administration in protest of the President’s support for Israel’s aggression in Gaza. Lily Greenberg Call is that former Biden appointee, and she joins us this morning to discuss her resignation as well as the reckoning she’s had to do as a Jewish person, with the violence of zionism.

Then, we go to The Evergreen State College, where the student intifada protest ended with commitments over two years to divest from war profiteers, participate in the academic boycott of Israel as long as Palestinian students can’t return home, and over a five year period to create on-campus abolitionist responses to safety that include a non-police emergency response protocol. We’re joined by Liz Ariasa student activist in her senior year at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington.

FUND DRIVE SPECIAL – Pledge $100 and receive a black zippered sweatshirt celebrating the first year anniversary of KPFA’s newest current affairs program Law & Disorder – on the front it has KPFA’s logo, and on the back, the logo of Law & Disorder with Cat Brooks & Jesse Strauss, with the show’s tag-line: Expose, Agitate, Build.


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