
Las Vegas Shooting, Pulling U.S. Troops from Yemen, Plus: Janna Barkin on raising a transgender child

The top of this mornings episode opens with guest Congressmember Ro Khanna, who represents California’s 17th district, which covers western Santa Clara County and part of Alameda County. He recently introduced House Resolution 81, which directs the President to remove U.S. armed forces from Yemen, and the GAIN Act, which would expand the federal Earned Income Tax Credit. In light of recent tragic events, we hear from Nevada State Senator Pat Spearman, representative for North Las Vegas and is the chair of the Health and Human Services Committee. She proposed SB 124, which prohibits people convicted of domestic violence and stalking charges from possessing guns. The bill was signed into Nevada law earlier this summer. Afterwards we move to Chip Evans, Reno-based progressive talk show host, recent Democrat Congressional candidate. Chip is president of the Nevada Gun Safety Coalition, a group which advocates and lobbies for gun control legislation in the state. The organization drafted Senate Bill 387, which allows family members or law enforcement to seek court orders to remove guns from people with a history of violence or threats. The bill died in the state legislature. The last hour of the show we field listener calls and hear from Janna Barkin. A coach, educator and the author of He’s Always Been My Son: A Mother’s Story About Raising Her Transgender Son, Janna details her experience of parenting. Her son Amaya was designated female at birth, and her book chronicles his journey of transition. Amaya has given his mother permission to share his story.


Congressmember Ro Khanna, who represents California’s 17th district, which covers western Santa Clara County and part of Alameda County. He recently introduced House Resolution 81, which directs the President to remove U.S. armed forces from Yemen, and the GAIN Act, which would expand the federal Earned Income Tax Credit.

Pat Spearman, representative for North Las Vegas and is the chair of the Health and Human Services Committee.

Chip Evans, Reno-based progressive talk show host, recent Democrat Congressional candidate. Chip is president of the Nevada Gun Safety Coalition, a group which lobbies for gun control legislation.

Janna Barkin, author of He’s Always Been My Son: A Mother’s Story About Raising Her Transgender Son. Her son Amaya was designated female at birth, and her book chronicles his journey of transition. Amaya has given his mother permission to share his story.


One response to “Las Vegas Shooting, Pulling U.S. Troops from Yemen, Plus: Janna Barkin on raising a transgender child

  1. Shame indeed KPFA. The Upfront Program is a propaganda platform (propaganda/dumb). The Upfront Program feels like Chris Hayes, and Joy Reid, sounds like The View and Morning Joe. What mediocrity KPFA. In over a week I have not heard anything about corruption in the DNC from you, or what about the lower standard of living. Or how about reporting on Nancy Peloci corruption, and incompetence, or Chuck Shumers corruption, and political impotence. How about reporting on what a silver-tongued fraud Obama was? Hey! Why don’t you give the Russian evil-doer story a rest. KPFA your morning programing purposely has become mediocrity. Who’s in charge? The Programing Director is obviously up to no good. I have listened to KPFa for twenty five years, and have donated in past. Why donate now to KPFA for such mediocrity? I could watch MSNBC and get the same bullshit. Shame indeed KPFA.

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