It's Going Down

Qanon and the Rise of Viral Fascism

It’s Going Down hosts speak with Travis View, a co-host of the Qanon Anonymous Podcast, about the rise of Qanon and far-Right conspiracy theories. We discuss how these theories are coming off the internet and into the real world and how they are mainstreaming far-Right, fascist politics in the lives of millions of people.

photo: C Drying on Unsplash


Artist Song Album Label
Sole & DJ Pain 1CoalDeath DriveBlack Canyon
RejekGHOSTGHOST2230738 Records DK
Lyrically Lyfted,6ix4oeIll Take the Blame3x Tougher6ix4oe Music Group
BalkanBalkanFantômesJaiye Urban
Sole & DJ Pain 1CoalDeath DriveBlack Canyon