Indie Landscapes

Indie Landscapes – March 16, 2025

Dedicated to sharing some of the most current Indie Rock and Electronic artists from around the world, with host Greg Garza.


Artist Song Album Label
Hether Oidar Sticky Thumb Hether4theweather c/o R&R Digital
Telegraph Avenue Something Going Telegraph Avenue Munster
Cerro Verde I Lost a Game I Lost a Game MAG
El Álamo Candy Psychedelic Essentials Purple Pyramid Records
Zulu Cariño Grande Zulu Vampisoul
LOS TEXAO La Pelea Del Gobernador Los Texao TX
Melcochita Tirando dedo Melcochita y sus invitados Melcochita
Jean Paul El Troglodita Everything's Gonna Change Vudú MAG
Los Destellos Guajira sicodélica Cumbia Beat Volume 1 Iempsa
Los Sirios Cuarto Oscuro Cuarto Oscuro Coladisa / Coco Lagos
Los Mutables Pasos en la luna Back To Peru Vol 1 Vampisoul
Los York's Solo estoy 68 Munster
Los Saicos Intensamente ¡Demolición! The Complete Recordings Munster
Traffic Sound Yellow Sea Days Virgin Munster
Hether Oidar Sticky Thumb Hether4theweather c/o R&R Digital
Galaxy Lounge Welcome To The Party Welcome To The Party Galaxy Lounge
Sabrina Carpenter Please Please Please Please Please Please Island Records