Hard Knock Radio

International War Crime: Israeli Attack on Rafah

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On a recent episode of Hard Knock Radio, hosted by Davey D, spoke with Zeiad Abbas Shamrouch a member of the Middle East Children’s Alliance about Israeli attack on Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah. On Sunday, Israel launched an airstrike on displaced civilians sheltering in tents that killed dozens of civilians. This massacre by Israeli forces has been widely condemned by world leaders and has brought into question Israel’s moral compass.


Zeiad Abbas Shamrouch is a Palestinian refugee from Dheisheh Refugee camp in the West Bank. He is the cofounder of the Ibdaa Cultural Center in Dheisheh where he served as Co-Director from 1994 to 2008. Zeiad is also a journalist who has worked with Palestinian and international media and has participated in the production of several documentary films. He has a Master of Arts in Social Justice and Intercultural Relations from the School for International Training Graduate Institute. Zeiad is the Executive Director at the Middle East Children’s Alliance in Berkeley.

Hard Knock Radio is a drive-time Hip-Hop talk show on KPFA (94.1fm @ 4-5 pm Monday-Friday), a community radio station without corporate underwriting, hosted by Davey D and Anita Johnson.