Hard Knock Radio

US Court Hears Allegations of Biden’s Complicity in Palestinian Genocide and Bayard Rustin

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On todays show, we head to the city of San Francisco to hear court testimony alleging President Biden of complicity in Palestinian genocide. Later we take a look at the life and legacy of Bayard Rustin, one of the most central figures in the African American struggle for civil rights and freedom. He was known as the lead organizer of the 1963 March on Washington and trusted advisor to labor leader A. Phillip Randolph and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Rustins methodology for challenging racial inequality and imperialism centered on his ability to interrelate race, class, gender, and sexuality. Angelic Troublemaker: Bayard Rustin combines film excerpts, insightful interviews and speeches from this important figure of the civil rights movement.

Special Thank You to Nancy Kates, Bennett Singer, and Sam Pollar the producers of Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin. And to the Pacifica Radio Archives for use of archival materials.

Hard Knock Radio is a drive-time Hip-Hop talk show on KPFA (94.1fm @ 4-5 pm Monday-Friday), a community radio station without corporate underwriting, hosted by Davey D and Anita Johnson.


Artist Song Album Label
J DillaFuck the PoliceNova Classics Hip Hop, Vol. 1MERLIN - Nova Records
Empty ElevatorI Found the Horn Section in the ElevatorElevator Lofi, Vol. 11DISTROKID - Badenstock
Bayard RustinCareless LoveBayard Rustin - The SingerParnassus
Ibrahim KhaliftHe ViRuSPLACEBOTujuana's Son Entertainment, LLC
ENSEMBLE MIK NAWOOJWe Will ConquerEnsemble Mik Nawooj: A Hip-Hop OrchestraGolden Fetus Records
JustnormalSpacemoonsSpacemoonsEpidemic Sound