
Flashpoints – June 7, 2024

Today on the Show: an extended hour with Journalist and founder of Just World Books, Helena Cobban: we’ll get an update on the expanding genocide, and inside look at Hamas with someone who made it her business to go beyond the rhetoric and useless labels: And Anita Barrows it back to share her daily poetry in response to the carnage and Israeli genocide


Artist Song Album Label
Sound ProvidersIt's Gonna BeeAn Evening With The Sound Providers
Johnny Iguana44 BluesJohnny Iguana's Chicago Spectacular!Delmark Records
Rabii Harnoune,V.B.KühlLight Out Night OnGNAWA ELECTRIC LAUNETru Thoughts
Cirque du Soleil,Robert Stanley,Richard Beaudet,Paul Picard,René Dupéré,Luc Gilbert,Francine PoitrasSanzaNouvelle ExperienceCirque Du Soleil