
Blinken’s Fake Plea for a More Humane Bombing CAMPAIGN.

Today on the Show: AFTER Blinken’s fake plea for a more humane bombing CAMPAIGN, the Israelis pull out all the stops, and continue their expanding deadly siege in Southern Gaza, killing and wounding hundreds: Ziad Abbas of Meca, we’ll join us for an update; also we’ll offer a Palestinian perspective on the Israelis latest killing fields of children: And Deconstructing War Landia, our weekly media deconstruction segment with Arun Gupta.


Artist Song Album Label
Sound ProvidersIt's Gonna BeeAn Evening With The Sound Providers
Rabii Harnoune,V.B.KühlLight Out Night OnGNAWA ELECTRIC LAUNEBELIEVE - Tru Thoughts
fika,BambieLove Like MineLove Like MineBELIEVE - Tru Thoughts
Cirque du Soleil,Robert Stanley,Richard Beaudet,Paul Picard,René Dupéré,Luc Gilbert,Francine PoitrasSanzaNouvelle ExperienceORCHARD - Cirque Du Soleil