
Deconstructing Warlandia with Arun Grupa

Today on the show: Biden to Bebe: slow down the slaughter, or we won’t fill your next weapons orders. Israeli military sacks a couple of officers on the World Food kill blame game. Also, automated war in the Gaza strip, twenty seconds to massacre.  And Deconstructing War Landia with Arun Gupta, our weekly column covering what the media misses, misunderstands, or suppresses when covering the wars and plunder of Exceptional America


Artist Song Album Label
Sound ProvidersIt's Gonna BeeAn Evening With The Sound Providers
BADBADNOTGOOD,Charlotte Day WilsonSleeperSleeperMERLIN - XL Recordings
Cirque du Soleil,Robert Stanley,Richard Beaudet,Paul Picard,René Dupéré,Luc Gilbert,Francine PoitrasSanzaNouvelle ExperienceORCHARD - Cirque Du Soleil