A Rude Awakening

Fight for Heirloom Seeds/New Demand for Organic Cotton

Photo of a Sustainable Cotton Plant
Photo of cotton courtesy of A Growing Culture

Today on A Rude Awakening, I’ll speak to GRAIN’s Indonesia-based international coordinator Kartini Samon on the commodification of heirloom seeds through the UPOV – Union of Protection of New Plant Varieties.  GRAIN is bringing to light how the UPOV is trying to control seeds in the Global South and beyond.

Correspondingly, we’ll switch gears in the second segment to the first of many conversations about the small-scale farmers of sustainable cotton in the Global South.  I’ll start that discussion with Rajneesh Vishwakarma, project lead at India-based organization Srijan.

Srijan Annual Report 2022-23 Link:  https://online.fliphtml5.com/xebjl/guul/#p=1

Extinction Rebellion Link to Open House:



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