Discreet Music


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Special guests ANDREW NEUMANN and JOE COLLEY join forces for FREQUENCY MODULATION RADIO iteration 26. ANDREW NEUMANN is a Boston-based artist who works in a variety of media that includes sculpture, electronic/interactive music, film, video and installation. His current body of work integrates analog and digital technologies with sculpture. He also builds electronic musical interfaces and performs electro-acoustic improvisations. JOE COLLEY (CRAWL UNIT) has spent decades exploring the multiple conceptual possibilities of sound, through music production, installations, or collaborations with video artists, dancers, and even prisoners. “There’s long been an obsessive quality to some of Colley’s music, a relentless diving down through particular devices that are turned inside and out rather than used as links in a chain of ideas.” Live in-studio Freq Mod Mixes, radio incantations and direct-to-ear demodulations from the eternal feedback loop. Hosted by Thomas Dimuzio.


Artist Song Album Label
Due ProcessCombine XXXIIICombine XXIII-XXXVPhage Tapes
Andrew NeumannTrack IWhy I Left The Surf [For Concrete]Sublingual Records
Andrew NeumannFreq Mod Mixlive in-studio
Joe ColleyRehearsal For High Speed ParalysisPsychic Stress SoundtracksAntifrost
Joe ColleyFreq Mod Mixlive in-studio
Joe ColleyNo Way In (excerpt)No Way InGlistening Examples
Joe ColleyFreq Mod Mix 2live in-studio
Andrew Neumann, Joe Colley & Thomas DimuzioFreq Mod Mixlive in-studio
Thomas Dimuzio & Alan CourtisBare Bones Empty SkinMonk Style or ScreamMonotype Records

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