Democracy Now 9am (rebroadcast)

Exclusive: Wrongly Jailed over a Dream, Newly Free Clarence Moses-EL on Ending His 28-Year Nightmare

Clarence Moses-EL has walked free after 28 years behind bars for a crime he says he didn’t commit. In 1989, Moses-EL, who is African-American, was sentenced to 48 years in prison after a woman said she dreamed he was the man who raped and beat her in the dark. Moses-EL has always maintained his innocence. The police threw out a rape kit and any possible evidence, like bed sheets and her clothes. Then in 2012, another man confessed to the attack. But Moses-EL remained behind bars until this week, after his conviction was overturned. In a Democracy Now! exclusive, Clarence Moses-EL joins us to discuss his newfound freedom and how another person’s dream became his nearly three-decade nightmare.

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