A Rude Awakening

CNN Chief Climate Correspondent Bill Weir

Cover of "Life as We Know It Can Be" by Bill Weir
Cover of “Life as We Know It Can Be” by Bill Weir

On today’s show, I’ll spend the hour with CNN Chief Climate Correspondent Bill Weir discussing the publication of his first book, “Life As We Know It (Can Be)”.

Published by Chronicle Prism, award winning journalist and author Bill Weir shares heartfelt letters addressed to his newborn son, River, to be read in 2050. Like so many parents, Weir struggles with the legacy we are leaving for our children and the urgent need for climate action. Unlike the rest of us, though, his journalism has given him a front row seat to the impacts of climate change and access to the stories of the technology and people who are fighting to extend the life expectancy of our planet. Borrowing from Mr. Rogers, he urges his son to look for the helpers, and to find hope in the many ways we are fighting for clean energy, sustainable homes, resilient businesses, and stronger communities.

Bill Weir is a veteran anchor, writer, producer, and host who came to CNN in 2013 after a decade of award-winning journalism at ABC News.


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