Background Briefing (5am)

Background Briefing (5am) – May 28, 2024

On Memorial Day, Those Who Serve America versus Those Who Want to Tear it Apart

We begin on this Memorial Day with the difference between those who serve America and those who want to tear it apart with hatred and division, as we witnessed recently with President Biden addressing the graduates of West Point calling on them to defend democracy while Trump held a rally welcoming on stage two felons convicted of a gang shooting in which innocent bystanders were shot. We discuss how the changed security landscape facing the United States as the greatest threat to America now is not so much foreign enemies, as in the wars of the past, but domestic terrorism and political violence fomented by a lawless leader who has turned the party of law and order into a dictator-worshipping cult. Joining us is Lucian Truscott IV, a journalist, screenwriter, and author of five bestselling novels. A graduate of West Point, he has covered the wars in Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He blogs at and has two recent articles at Salon: “Judge Cannon’s secret right-wing getaway: Why didn’t we know about this?” and “The Trouble with Trump polls.”

Consciousness, Authoritarianism, and Political Violence

Then we explore the connections between consciousness, authoritarianism, and political violence, in order to better understand the main threat the nation faces as we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice defending the country, its Constitution, democracy, and the rule of law. Joining us is Stephan Schwartz, a scientist, futurist, and award-winning author of both fiction and nonfiction. He is currently a Distinguished Scholar of the California Institute for Human Science and a columnist for the journal Explore. The editor of the daily web publication and the weekly Schwartzreport YouTube podcast, which covers trends and research affecting our future, he is the recipient of the Parapsychological Association Outstanding Contribution Award and the U.S. Navy’s Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Performance. We discuss his latest article at the journal Explore, “Consciousness, authoritarianism, and political violence.”