About Health

3/28/22 Using Virtual Reality Psychotherapy to Treat Anxiety

When most of us think of psychotherapy, we envision sitting in an armchair or perhaps lying on a couch and talking about our problems for the better part of an hour. While this may have been true in the past, the field of psychotherapy is undergoing a revolution driven by technology. In addition to an expanding array of mental health smartphone apps, another technology is changing the way therapists treat anxieties, fears, and phobias, in particular: Virtual Reality. How exactly is VR used in therapy? Does it actually work? And, are VR goggles ever going replace the proverbial therapist’s couch? These are just some of the questions we explore this week. Host David B. Feldman speaks with Dr. Elizabeth McMahon, clinical psychologist and author of Virtual Reality Therapy for Anxiety: A Guide for Therapists.