“We Can’t Survive on $7.25”: Fast-Food Workers Kick Off National Day of Action for Higher Pay; As Workers Strike Against Low Wages, Fast-Food CEOs Fatten Pockets with Taxpayer-Subsidized Pay; Jeremy Scahill: Oscar Nod for “Dirty Wars” Could Raise Awareness of Ongoing U.S. Drone Strikes; “There is a War on Journalism”: Jeremy Scahill on NSA Leaks & New Investigative Reporting Venture.
December 5, 2013
NSA Collecting Location Data on Cellphones Worldwide
Fast-Food Workers Strike Nationwide for Higher Pay
Studies: Inequality Dividing U.S. Cities, Threatening Families
Suicide Bomber Hits Yemen Defense Ministry in Sana’a
U.S., China Differ on Air Defense Zone
Mexico Recovers Stolen Radioactive Container
2 Guantánamo Prisoners Forcibly Repatriated to Algeria Despite Pleas
Study: 7 in 10 College Students Graduating With Loan Debt
Detainees Hold Sit-in at Texas Immigration Jail
Miami Suburb Sued for Police Abuses, Racial Profiling
Connecticut Releases Newtown 911 Calls