The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – June 10, 2004

More scandal on how the Bush Administration is treating detainees in its war on terror. ..the Washington Post reports that medical records on terror suspects held at Guantanamo Bay have been turned over to interrogators so that they can devise better methods of questioning them, in violation of international standards

A setback to the government’s war on terror as a jury in Idaho acquits a graudate student of using his computer expertise to help Muslim extremists recruit and raise money. ..his lawyer calls it a victory for freedom of speech

The State Department admits that its report on terrorism incidents released in April was way off the mark

President Bush call’s the G8 summit in Georgia a success but differences still remain over Iraq

The union rep resenting BART workers charges lay offs will endanger passengers and worker safety

And American musical legend Ray Charles is dead at 73

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