7:00 am
Central American Free Trade Agreement, CAFTA: Jesse Swanhuyser, Executive Director of the California Coalition for Fair Trade and Human Rights.
7:15 am
George Lakoff, Professor of Linguistics, UC Berkeley, author of Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think. He Spoke last Friday in Berkeley.
8:00 am
A conversation with Calvin Trillin, author of Obliviously On He
Sails: The Bush Administration in Rhyme.
8:20 am
Laura Flanders, author of Bushwomen: Tales of a Cynical Species, and host of "Your Call Radio" on KALW.
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Artist: McCoy Tyner
Title: Blue Bossa (Jazzelicious Remix)
Album: Nu Jazz Sessions
Label: Groove Gravy Records
Time: 1st hour
Artist: Mo’ Horizons
Title: Alive Tonight (Bobby Hughes Combination Mix)
Album: Nu Jazz Sessions
Label: Groove Gravy Records
Time: 2nd hour
Artist: Annette A. Aguilar & Stringbeans
Title: Well You Needn’t (T.Monk)
Album: Special Friends
Label: Eagle Seeks Salmon Productions
Time: 2nd hour
Artist: Modern Groove Syndicate
Title: Vessel
Album: Modern Groove Syndicate
Label: Modern Groove Syndicate