7:00 am
Life in Iraq. Nabil al Hadithy, Bay Area Activist.
7:30 am
The International Monetary Fund Say GW is driving the World economy into the Tank. Ellen Frank Assoc. Prof of Economics, Emanual College member of the editorial Board of Dollars and Sense Magazine, and Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research.
8:00 am
Reyna Cowan on film: Errol Morris, director of The Fog of War, a film documentary about former Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara and the Vietnam War.
8:30 am
The murders of Women in Juarez. Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Assoc. Prof. of Chicano and Chicana Studies at UCLA and Assoc. Director of the Chicano Studies Research Center Jerri Lynn Fields, Exec. Dir. of V-Day.